News Coverage
A Group to Counter Anti-Islam Sentiment
As anti-Muslim rhetoric rises locally and nationally — some of it fueled by the presidential campaign — a group of Chicago-area Muslims is battling back, using tactics including a television ad campaign and public forums against bigotry.Gain Peace, an Islamic outreach organization based in Chicago, spent $40,000 in December to counter negative portrayals and produce two television ads intended to promote Islam as a just faith’... Read More
Muslim mosque holds open house Saturday
In an effort to dispel preconceptions about the Muslim faith, several local mosques have been conducting open houses in recent weeks and inviting the public to find out more about their religion and culture."We're really no different from everyone else," said Aamer Abduljaleel, of the Muslim Association of Bolingbrook, which held an open house Saturday afternoon.... Read More
Defender of the faith: Skokie man devotes life to educating about Islam
It didn’t take long for Dr. Sabeel Ahmed to feel unwelcome when he immigrated to the United States from India at 17. During his first gym class, students spat on him because he is Muslim. He was called into the principal’s office to tell who did it, but when asked if they should be punished, he said ‘No.’... Read More