About Me

Dr. Sabeel Ahmed is the Executive Director of the GainPeace Project, an outreach project of Islamic Circle of North America. As a Director of GainPeace, Dr. Sabeel's aim is to bring out the commonalities and build bridges between people of various faith, races, and nationalities and share the beautiful faith of Islam with our fellow Americans. Some of the projects of GainPeace include advertising the message of spirituality via Bus, Billboards, Trains, TV, Radio and Newspapers. Dr. Sabeel had given many outreach presentations and workshops in various cities in the USA on the topics of Shariah, Freedom of Speech, Comparative Religion and Youth Empowerment. After completing his medical education from the Carribean, he decided to dedicate his time as a full-time (daee) educator of Islam to tackle Islamophobia and to convey the peaceful message of Islam. He is married with three children and resides with his family in Morton Grove, IL, USA. Dr. Sabeel is being featured on many local and national media news outlets.